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Full-stack developer

About Me

I like learning new thing that most deem it as difficult.

I wouldn't say that I like coding but I like solving problem and coding is one of the way to solve problem.

I am also into different kind of thing include computer vision, machine learning, DevOps, and general problem-solving in general.>.md:flex-1*2

Beside doing all the technical stuff just to survive, I also into auto racing. Be it Formula 1 or MotoGP. I used to be into play electric guitar playing to all Metallica songs. I'm not a bookworm but I like reading a lot books.

Years of experience
Project Done

My Works

I have worked on many projects. These are some of my works that I try to visualize and put on display.

Custom Object Detection
Custom Object Detection
Microservice Architecture
Microservice Architecture
Driver License Detection
Driver License Detection
IoT Parking System
IoT Parking System
Traffic Violation Simulation in Unity
Traffic Violation Simulation in Unity
Streaming Processing Server
Streaming Processing Server
Card Orientation Detection
Card Orientation Detection
ID Card Text Recognition
ID Card Text Recognition
ID Card Detection
ID Card Detection
Mobile Parking App
Mobile Parking App
Vaccination Card Detection & OCR
Vaccination Card Detection & OCR
Speed Detection
Speed Detection


I don't have much of a preference for a language. I find each language to be best fitted suit for its use case. I mainly use Python because it's versaltile and getting I want done faster. Although, I prefer Javascript for its TypeScript, I don't think it has enough tools to do most of the stuff that I want.

Here are languages I know and use professionally and casually with.

  • Python svg-skill
  • Javascript svg-skill
  • C# svg-skill
  • PHP svg-skill
  • Kotlin svg-skill
  • Rust svg-skill
  • Go svg-skill
  • Java svg-skill
  • Dart svg-skill
  • Clojure svg-skill
  • TypeScript svg-skill

Here are tools and frameworks I use to make development problem solving easier and faster.

  • Laravel svg-skill
  • Flask svg-skill
  • FastAPI svg-skill
  • ASP.NET svg-skill
  • Docker svg-skill
  • React svg-skill
  • Vuejs svg-skill
  • Tailwindcss svg-skill
  • Svelt svg-skill
  • Dapr svg-skill
  • Vim svg-skill
  • OpenCv svg-skill
  • Tensorflow svg-skill
  • OpenVino svg-skill
  • Traefik svg-skill


Motorsport: I love motorsport!!!

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DIY: I love DIY & 3D printing!!!

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Ergo keyboard:I love split keyboard and mechanical keyboard!!!

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5K running: I love 5k running just for fun!

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Sim Racing !!!

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    Work Experience

  • Project Lead

    • Led the implementation of microservice architecture for payment system and improving the system security.
    • Led the implementation of underwriting/screening system and reduced operational costs.
  • MLOps Engineer

    • Developed and maintained a high-performance document extraction system for National ID Card and Driving License
    • Developed and maintained a high-performance face recognition system.
    • Applied computer vision techniques to improve the performance of the OCR system.
    • Train and customize object detection model for specific use case.
  • IT executive (Software Developer)

    • Designed and deployed parking system for Sorya and Ratana Plaza mall to improve operation efficiency.
    • Developed mobile application parking portal improve customer experience.
    • Developed webpage portfolio and developed internal survey system for company's improvement.
    • Provided support and training to the operation staff.
  • Full-Stack Developer (Lead Developer)

    • Designed and developed real time crypto monitoring web application.
    • Maintenance servers with and optimized web application performance.

Contact Me

Let have a chat coffee chat

Phnom Penh, Cambodia
